The opposite sex
What attracts you to the opposite sex? I know what I like.
On a mental level I love a guy that enjoys similar things to mine and he even might be able to teach me a thing or two about something else I have yet to try. I like a guy that is self-confident, yet not cocky. I like a guy that will call just see what's going on with my day. I enjoy being in the company of man who DOES NOT ask me, "yo what size are those" (do you really have guess what I'm talkin about here?), "how many kids do you have", "Can I be your friend" (when you know damn well you just wanna hit then quit it, uh-uh go somewhere else).
I can't STAND guys with golds in or around the mouth area. It's just not cute. To me the only place that should have any whole what so ever are on your earlobes. I don't have anything against tats or brands. As long as they aren't on your FACE. unless it's related to your heritage then that I can understand. For the record the TEARS that some people get down the eye, the gang related ones, ARE NOT cute. You will regret that for the rest of your life if you have them. Next thing you know you will be going thru your mom's makeup conceler like water, everytime you go to a job interview, but of course you would need to know what that ACTUALLY IS, to know what I'm sayin.
Ok enough on the gripin. I like guys that are intelligent, into sports, technology, and video games (yes I'm a huge gamer.) I also like guys that have enough back bone to challenge me if they think I'm wrong. Yet don't get to yellin or hollerin in my face, by doin that I've already won. For you show you that you can't act reasonable within a debate, therefore relying on caveman tactics to getting your point across.
Also I'm a sucker for a man in a suit, especialy 3-piece, yet can be comfortable in some baggy jeans with some clean timberlands on. I like a man that can flip the script and adapt to his environment. Who knows that by being successful he's not sellin out, he's just being real to himself.
I have more I'll add to this but gonna take a break on. Ladies and Gents please add your comments to the blog.