
December 26, 2005

Recapping x-mas

It's the day after all the hustle and bustle of wrapping paper ripping open and being thrown around. Of your friends and family getting together and swapping stories and yelling at the current sports game that is on TV. Personally I'm happy that the Miami Heat won and beat the Lakers.

At 7am I woke up and finished preparing the food that was for my household. Since my mom was out of town the task fell on my shoulders. So I went downstairs got our 12lb turkey and put him in the oven, also prepared a sweet tasty ham, some dressing once the turkey was done and warmed up the remaing greens. Overall i did a pretty damn good job. My dad and sister were pleased so i can't complain. Afterwards I went over to my aunt's house for the family gathering.

Since the x-mas gathering for this year was at my auntie's house. Which thank god she only lives 2 minutes away by car, I went over a head of schedule to drop off the big pot of greens and 3 cakes and some cookies so they would be there for the family as well as the presents. I went back home and started to get dressed. My dad who has been the Offical Santa for as long as I could remember forgot the money envolopes and called me to let me know that I needed to bring them with me when I came over.

I finally make my entrance round 4:30pm and was greeted by my extended family. The food was great from what I saw, but i only opted for some ambrosia and some sweet potatoes. I chilled out in one of the bedrooms with a tv and stayed there until it was time to hand out presents. Around 5pm my dad transformed into Santa Clause and the gift giving began. The little kids were santa's helpers, those of us who were older now and no longer qualified to be elves, where now reindeers. Even myself;) So we would "guide" the elves to whomever the gifts were for. My mom called a couple of times to make sure A) the food I cooked was edible (haha), B) I had gotten food over at my aunties on time C) to make sure that I also got her 2 slices of her Spanish Cream Cake, and D) to wish everyone a Merry X-mas at the family gathering.

Around 6pm-7pm, people began to make haste along with to-go plates and either visit other relatives or just go home. My dad said his good-byes along with my sister who also made her quiet exit. I stayed last to help my auntie clean up the food and talk for a little while. So didn't make my exit till 9pm. When I got back home, I received quite a shock. My sister was home doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Since it was my week for kitchen duty, she apparently forgot this and I opened up my big mouth. she realized she had clothes but was still nice enough to clean up the kitchen anyway. i really apprecatied it since i had been up since 7am.

My girl kamina had called me to see if I wanted to go out while I was still at my auntie's house, but she never called back. Also I had invited a friend of mine to come over and get some food also, but he never called back either. So I just took my black ass to sleep. Oh and yes I did take PLENTY of pictures of the event so if you would like to see them just click on the FLICKR link that you see of to the right and enjoy.
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