
January 22, 2006

my weekend went something like this

This past Friday, was my mom's birthday. I wanted to take her out but apparently my dad had beaten me to the punch. So he took her out instead. I went to the hair salon for my appointment. I have had some mini sista curls set as my hair style. Then I went to the mall for a while and just window browsed. So I decided to go to the AMC Esquire and go see UNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION. I must say it was a very good movie and went home afterwards.

Yesterday (Saturday) I had work at job #2 from 9:30am to 4:30pm. I had my ass handed to me all day long. I did at least $12 grand by myself before my co-worker came in to relieve me. I was SOOOOOOOOOo tired but I changed clothes and went Barnes and Noble to pick up a book I ordered. I then headed home and found two packages I ordered had come in. I then chilled out at home and relaxed.

So now it leads me to today (Sunday). Where I have work again. From 10:30am to 2:30pm. today i am going to treat my mom to dinner, yet she hasn't told me where yet. So I guess for right now all I can say is have a good day and........... Good Morning;)
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