
May 21, 2007

graduation of me

Well, today was just another day. Tomorrow the high school I work at will have their Senior Graduation around 6pm. Even though I won't be attending, they know that I wish them nothing but the best. For myself, my own personal graduation is up and coming as well. The term graduation has many different meanings. For most it means to complete an academic exercise in which diplomas are conferred. For which I relate this term I call it more of completion of a program of study. For me, that study is just that, myself.

For quite sometime I've had deal with issues, both inner and external. These issues in one way are another have somewhat hindered me in becoming the person that I wish to be and see in myself. As I come to terms with whom I want to be, I understand that there are somethings that I need to let go of and stand back from whether it be temporarly or permantly. Somethings might be easy while others are understandly hard. Some people say, all the love you give to world doesn't mean shit unless you love yourself. And it especially isn't easy if all you feel as though all you give is taken without it being reciprocated.

As I go through my course of study and take care to pick the classes that will most benefit me throughout my life, I have already picked up one lesson. Learn to listen. Listen to what a person is saying to you even if you might not agree with them. I felt that I did that today with the 3 people that I spoke with. Yet I know the main thing I need to work on is my response especially on one conversation today, I hindered on it and wish I had handled it differently. Hopefully tomorrow I will and it will help me graduate into the person I wish to become.
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