
April 23, 2007

when headaches subside but don't go away

Orignally written 4-23-07 10:15pm

Well it's ya girl again and tonight I'm just at home chillin out. Probably will go outside and just sit on my front steps for a second and think about this past weekend. Much has been going on in my mind and everything I think about points to one thing. Seperation. Seperation. Seperation.

When you read my previous post you know that I had one hell of a Friday. I still don't know what I'm thinkin right now. I just know that nothing that I think of can make me feel better and the only thing that will help me is seperation. I keep wondering to myself how did I get so damn sucked into this shit AGAIN??

I guess I have too much of a good heart, yet I have it on the wrong people as well as the right.. All I seem to get from time to time is headaches about the situation. I refuse to become depressed about it because I know where that can lead me. As I think about it more and more, I feel that it's time for me to get away from Saint Louis....get away from Missouri.....and put down roots somewhere else.

Where I can find someone who will appreciate me....cherish me.....respect me.....and
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