Yet shortly Danielle and I will be leaving and most likely I will enjoy myself with some COD 4 once I get home or just go straight to sleep. I definitely will be getting some homework done, but I will NOT be taking calls from either of the jobs. This time is mine to enjoy until March 25. So holla;) Ta-Ta
March 17, 2008
Its spring break bitches!!!!!
ok so it's official starting at 12 midnight I started spring break. Currently I'm at Kamina's place with Danielle and we are kickin it talkin and just chillin watchin tv. I was playing Call of Duty 4 on PS3 with Mina's man and we were trying to access the online feature, but for some reason we couldn't find anyone else online to play. I was like WHOA!! Ain't no way I could deal with not being able to play online. So I helped him complete the game and we have just been going back through some of the levels and just playing.