
March 3, 2008

When the past comes back.......

Ok so yesterday and today I took off of work because I was sick. So while I'm at home I decide to try to do something product like getting major homework done in my communications class which I do. (big pat on shoulder) and then I study for my science test which was SUPPOSE to be today, but lo and behold a sista didn't check her email before getting to class and apparently he post-poned it till this Wednesday. Which would have been great BUT I have court that night for some tickets I received last month (speeding and expired tags). So I call friend who is a police officer and he states he will get me a continuence so I won't miss the test on Wednesday, so I decide to forgoe the professor's offer to let those who wish to take the test tonight and take my ass to the Thomas Jefferson Library.

I get on Myspace and was just bored and wondered if there was a group for people who had been St. Ann or Mount Providence Alumi. After searching for a while I didn't find anything and decided to make up a group.

Afterwards I decided to try to hunt down people from my class and I couldn't believe who i was able to find. I was able to find 2 former classmates Donald and Jennifer. So I sent out invites to them and to jen's sis's, Amelia and Elana. I think I also found Neil but I'm waiting for a response back. I also found another person but they attended Mount Providence. Not to mention I remember seeing a former school mate from St. Ann named Quiana....i think that was her name and she was at McDonalds with 2 kids, which I assumed were hers. Man TIME WARP!!!

Well anyway I think I just Frank's brother, Jamal and I'm gonna keep at this for a while, old classmates names just keep poppin in my head. And also big shout out to my boy Mike, let me know when you are in the UMSL DJ booth man. Keep doin ya thang;)
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