
October 21, 2008

A day out for me

Well today I called off of work because I was having a migrane that didn't go away from this morning. So I came the conclusion that obviously me just lounging around the house wasn't going to make it any better. Other things on my mind as well. So I decided to go to the zoo and just relax. I walked around to the different exbits and left there around 11:30am. After walking around there I decided to go visit the Art Museum. Was looking forward to seeing the Egyptian exhibit, but the museum is going through a face-lift so unfortunately my Egyptian exhibit was one of the casualities as well as an African exhibit on the first floor. So stayed there for a while and left here to go to the Borders Bookstore to look up a few books I had read about last night in regards to excerice and eating right.

By the time I left there it was 3pm so I decided to head on home. had a special conference call that I was on for about an hour. Had signed up last night it was for people who were interested in losing weight and how to help them accomplish their goals. Really a powerful talk from a motivational speaker. She was pretty much stating that its not really about excercising, its more in what you eat and in what proportion not to mention how you feel about yourself. If you don't reflect a positive adittude inside you then it won't show through to your exterior.

So the phonecall was for about an hour 5pm CST and I must say it was quite an eye opener. The lady who was the main speaker was JoLynn Braley she has a blog, which talks about Weight Loss and Fitness for a Complete, Healthy Lifestyle - Fitness for Body, Mind, and Spirit. Listening to her i realize that it has to be a lifestyle change, not just do it for a certain period of time. Yet now I have to figure out for myself exactly how to do that.
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