
October 13, 2010

Waiting for Superman

This weekend a friend of mine asked if I wanted to see a documentary this weekend called WAITING FOR SUPERMAN. At first I didn't know what to make of the title until she informed me that it was about the dire situation our nation faces with the public educational school system. We hooked up at Plaza Frotnenac since that was the only theater in Saint Louis that was showing this movie. I must say that it was very enlightening and in my opinion paralleled my experiences while working in Wellston.

I don't want to give the movie away so I will just say that there is only one more thing that I wish the director would have highlighted more in his documentary. I wish he would have put more focus into why School Districts hire corrupt/questionable administrators that hire the teachers who fail to teach our children. It amazes me from what I hear from colleugues the track records that some of the administrators have and wonder how they were ever able to be rehired.

Yet unfortunately to me it comes down to the GOOD OLE CLUB. The era of those that have been in the system for such a long time, their connections are so embedded in the system that its easier for them to find jobs even though they don't deserve them compared to those who are not as established yet and are trying to make a difference.

Overall I enjoyed watching this documentary and hope you will show your support and see it as well. Let me know your thoughts.
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