Excellent post I felt that needed to be shared.
Full figured News: Never Settle For Less Than You Deserve: I recently heard a conversation between two friends in the bathroom of all places. Usually I don't make it my business to get into other p...
February 28, 2012
February 26, 2012
Chris Botti - The Real Deal
UPDATE: Pics are FINALLY uploaded! as of March 4th;)
This is my review on the Chris Botti Concert that I wrote on ticketmaster.com:
Chris Botti
Peabody Opera House
St. Louis
, MO
Fri, Feb 24, 2012
First off I have to start this off by saying that the Peabody Opera House is a beautiful venue for this performance to have taken place. From the marble floors that greet you as you walk in to the pain staking details on every surface that leads you into the main area. I give this place a 10 out of 10.
I was lucky enough to get front row tickets for $48.00, sitting less than a foot away from the front stage. Joe Buck introduced Chris Botti onto the stage and I will tell you it was a jam session I will never forget. Chris was fun and engaging and his trumpet skills I thought were stellar on his CD's were legendary in person. He played so many songs that I'm used to repeating on my CD's so it was an extra treat to hear them live. What was also impressive was that he stayed on the stage the whole time, never took a break unless someone who was accompanying him on a song was doing a quick solo before he came in with his trumpet.
His range of music he played from classical, a song from Herbie Hancock, Miles Davis, to even doing a version of Michael Jackson's "You are not alone" that will debut on his next CD which you had better believe I will be buying was so simple yet so rich. I was so sad when the performance ended I could have stayed an extra two hours to hear him play more. My only regret was not being able to stay around long enough to grab a picture with him. Yet I will say the winks he gave me as he playing throughout the show, definitely made up for it;)
I can not WAIT until he comes back next year (rumored to be at the Saint Louis Symphony Hall) I'll be keeping my eye out on tickets when they become available.
Favorite Moment:
When he jumped off the stage and played his trumpet and I was less than a foot away from him;)
Opening Acts:
No opening acts, but his band was phenomenal and he performed duets with Lisa Fischer (who sings that amazing song, "How can I ease the pain") and an amazing classical violinist whose name is Caroline Campbell.
Addiontional Notes: I will upload my pics from this event as soon as possible!

February 23, 2012
Recipe to try: Coq au Vin
Well last night my mother and I tried out a recipe called Coq au Vin that I found on a website called Amateur Gourmet a few days ago. We started around 6:15pm and were not done until 8:45pm. Overall it tasted wonderful. We did substitute a few things out in the recipe. For example, the recipe called for a fruity red wine, the author of the website used a Pinot Noir, my mother decided to use a Marsol. also my mother thought for some strange reason that beef broth was needed, so along with the chicken broth she added 2 teaspoons of Worchester sauce. She realized later that wasn't the case. lol Overall the only thing she regretted was letting some of the juice dry out. Yet there was still plenty in the pot. We were thinkin instead of using noodles maybe use some Uncle Ben's dirty rice.
We used a roaster style chicken and all the parts were delicious, even the breast which did not dry out.
Overall this is not a dish I would make out of the blue. I would make this for a special occasion.
We used a roaster style chicken and all the parts were delicious, even the breast which did not dry out.
Overall this is not a dish I would make out of the blue. I would make this for a special occasion.

February 22, 2012
When it's time to cut off your family from your facebook page....
Well today I did what I thought I would never do. I unfriended (if that is even grammatically correct) my mother on Facebook. She ticked me off saying that my cover picture that I changed this morning was an attention-getter (again I apologize on grammer). I put the picture up there because it's a favorite of mine as a baby. I didn't think it was an attention piece, it was just simply a picture of me as a baby. Not as though I was at Mardi Gras and raised my shirt asking for beads and didn't have a bra on. Nope I just posted a picture of myself as a baby. Now some might say no big deal but I guess for me it was just a switch or final straw in regards to how my mother criticizes me non stop. I just got fed up and I responded to her that she doesn't have to worry about my facebook so I not only unfriended her, I blocked her so she can't even find me. Some might say oh I'm being too harsh, oh well, she's not the first family member I blocked, probably won't be the last.

February 20, 2012
Conclusion to a wonderful weekend
Alrighty so it's Presidents Day. Mainly chilled out at home until about 4:30pm. I hightailed it over to Chesterfield Mall walked around. That got boring real quick so I went over to the Chesterfield Commons and chilled out and grabbed something to eat. Back home now watching American Dad on Cartoon Network. Good night folks.

And still I enjoy my Birthday......part. 3
Well yesterday I decided to get up and go to the mall about 2:45pm. Decided to go to West County Mall and chill and see if there were any sales that might pique my interest. So I wondered into one of my favorite stores, Franceseca's Collection and found a beautiful purse that I just had to have for Spring/Summer time. The price on it said 24.00 and I thought what a great deal. Yet when I went up to the counter the sales lady scanned it and rang up 38.00. Instead of throwing a fit and demanding the price on the tag, I asked nicely if they would please honor the price and they sure did. Saved 14 dollars on a beauty of a purse.

February 19, 2012
It's Still my birthday...part 2
Well yesterday was Saturday and I was still enjoying myself with birthday festivities. Yet I was a bit sad because I had watched part of the Whitney Houston funeral and recorded the rest to watch later. I left in the morning to run a quick errand then decided to go downtown to check out Mardi Gras, Saint Louis style. I've never been to a Mardia Gras here so I decided to just drive down Broadway from Downtown to Soulard. My lord I never seen so many people at 10am in one place getting ready to par-tay. There were plenty of booths around to buy hats, beads, drinks, and food. Police of course were out in full force. After what seemed like forever to get through the crowds I finally made it back to the highway and decided to go through Delmar Loop to see if anything was poppin. The answer to that question was no.
So after finally making it back home..about 11am (I think). I chilled out at home until 2:30pm, then my family made our way to the Cheesecake Factory (Saint Louis Galleria) to celebrate my birthday. It was crazy crowded, so you better believe I'm glad I called ahead of time to make reservations. Which cut down our wait time from 30 min. to 5 min. ;) My sister gave me a card that had me crackin up.
Afterwards, my dad bought movie tickets for us to go see "Safe House" and my mom, sis, and I went and did some browsing before the movie started. We finally made our way to the movie theater around 4:45pm, I won't lie, I was nodding off within the first 20 minutes. BUT after that, I was wide awake. Denzel was straight cold blooded in this movie but he made you cheer for him to kill anyone that got in his path. Unlike in Training Day where I was happy he was killed in the end. Overall highly recommend you go see this movie.
So after our fun time together we go back home and I'm wondering what to do for the rest of the night. My girl Cassandra calls me up and we decide to go down to Soulard to see if the Mardi Gras festivities were still in swing. So we get down there about 9:30pm and yea.......things were pretty much already shut down. Apparently, and this is excellent info to know for next year. Soulard shuts down at 10pm during Mardi Gras which I guess makes sense after all the heavy partying. So we get back in her car drive through downtown and then end up in Central West End and go to Drunken Fish, where we enjoyed Happy Hour on the 2nd Floor. I was in heaven with 2 rolls of Fried Philly Rolls and 3 drinks. Afterwards we went to Bissinger's, a chocolate connoisseur's dream playground for sweets. I asked one of the workers if they had this special white chocolate/Raspberry treat (Vanilla Petit Fours) that I tried a few months back. She did and they had a few boxes since they had a valentine's sale and now they were 50% off. I bought a few boxes and gave a few to Cassandra.
I also had her try out this one treat called Apple Ghost Chili Salt Caramels. To see her face when she bit into it was priceless. My friend Trenton had me try one last year and I'm pretty sure I had the same face when I bit into one that long time ago.
Afterwards she took me back home and I proceeded to dance in my driveway (thanks to the alcohol) and finally made it to my bed. I woke up this morning 3 different times because my head was like...ummm...no just yet. So now I am up and I can't wait for TODAY!!!!!

Cheesecake Factory,
drunken fish,
Mardi Gras,
February 18, 2012
February 14, 2012
UPDATE: Won't be using Fed-Ex for Valentine's Day again
The package finally arrived at 10:22pm....now to go WAKE my mother and go give the flowers to her....ugh..

Won't be using Fed-Ex for Valentine's Day again
The time is 9:36pm as I begin to write this post. Besides watching American Dad on tv, I'm also still up because I am waiting on Fed-Ex to deliver some roses STILL to my house for my mother. They were suppose to be a surprise for her to enjoy for the day, but unfortunately they have yet to arrive. I called them 3 times to ask them where the hell my package was and all they could do was repeat the same thing that I already knew. That the package was in transit since 9:50am to be delivered. I know it's Valentine's Day and I am aware that they probably are busy as I don't know what. Yet I still can't grasp why with it now being 15 min to 10pm that nothing still has yet to be delivered. Hell, UPS came through about 8:30pm and delivered some items. I'm not even mad with the company (ProFlowers) that I bought the flowers through, they had already shipped them in a timely matter for them to be delivered. I just wish there were other options for delivery. I normally use UPS (the lesser of the two evils in my opinion) and have not had issues with them before. Who knows Fed-Ex might have dealt with my flowers the way they dealt with that tv (see video below). Only thing. I don't have a fence around my house!!!

Valentine's Day
February 13, 2012
February 12, 2012
Whitney Houston - Another gone too soon. 1963-2012
Yesterday we lost another treasure in the music industry. As someone pointed out via twitter “@phontigallo Worst Black History Month EVER.” We lost Ms. Etta James in January, Don Cornelius earlier this month and now Whitney Houston. She had one of the most powerful voices I had ever heard. She is known for singing the Star Spangled Anthem at Super Bowl XXV like no other. I remember her from the movie The Bodyguard and remember having that soundtrack on heavy rotation as well as the soundtrack from The Preacher's Wife. She was what I considered one of those artists who didn't need a backup dancers or special effects to keep her audience engaged. All she had to do was open her mouth and that VOICE would just put you in a trance and for the most part make you get goosebumps. I honestly would feel sorry for anyone who had to do a duet with Whitney (such as Mariah Carey) because Whitney's voice would just out shine the other people.
Since news of her death came out, more info is "somewhat" suggesting especially from different media outlets that drug use might have played a part in her death. When I look back on her life I can't help but think about how drug use has messed up her life and that voice. If you had heard her in the recent years, you could tell her voice had been ravaged from her poor health. In a way it reminds me of Michael Jackson. You had two phenomenally gifted people who unfortunately were brought down (not yet deemed official in Whitney's case) by drugs.
It's amazing me to see the people I grew up on leaving whether it be suddenly or through old age. I know heaven is straight kickin it now. When I get there I know the first thing I'm gonna do is buy a ticket so I can see all performances that I missed in life (Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye, The Rat Pack, Luther Vandross, and so many others) with Don Cornelius as the Master of Ceremony . All I can say and hope is that her soul is in a better place and you will be missed.

Michael Jackson,
Whitney Houston
The Smith Family Mardi Gras 2012
Well another successful Smith Family Mardi Gras party has come and gone. Great times were had by all with the food and dancing. My girl Danielle came out with two of her coworkers. I saw two of my former Wellston coworkers there as well. I enjoyed myself with a few drinks that unfortunately are still buzzing in my head as I write this post. Afterwards some of my cousins went downtown to Mosiac to continue partying, other cousins went to another cousins house to continue partying, and then Danielle asked me what I was getting into. At the end of the night the only thing I got into was my BED and slipped into a peaceful coma.

February 11, 2012
Pre-Smith Family Mardi Gras Party Madness
Well this morning I woke up and stretched myself out after a much needed and deserved rest/coma. My mother and I stayed up till 11PM last night to get the salad prepped for the Smith Family Mardi Gras party that is being held tonight. From what I heard all the tickets for the event have sold out and it should be just as big of a success as the previous ones. This will be the 12th year that we have done this. If you wish to see some of the previous celebrations just click on one of the picture sets below. I will try to take as many pics this year as I have done so at the previous parties and have them uploaded by the weekend.

February 8, 2012
Valentine Gift's FAIL
As Valentine's Day approaches I can't help but wonder what gifts might be given. Most women I know enjoy roses, candy, or even a romantic night on the town. Yet there are others who will be unfortunate to receive a gift/surprise and wish to God that they had not. I was thinking of a few that I will list. Please feel free to add to the list.
For Women
1. A gym membership (unless a previous conversation has hinted AND has been accepted as an acceptable gift.
2. A gift certificate to a place you know she does not go. (example: Lowes, Sear Hardware Department, unless AGAIN previous conversation has been held.)
3. A teddy bear such as the above picture with a similar or same message.
4. Any brown liquor that can be bought behind a Schmucks, Diebergs, or Shop N Save counter and comes with 2 free shot glasses that have the name of the liquor company on them. (example: Crown Royal, unless she is an alcoholic.)
5. A STD (Short Tiny D*ck) (Oh and the OTHER STD, the kind of gift you wish you had not received in the first place.)
For Men
1. A tie
2. A tease (especially if they felt from a previous conversation that they were gonna get some.)
3. The above options given for women from 1 through 5. Except for the first part of number 5 unless you roll that way.
4. Unwanted conversations about the "next step" in the relationship. How about enjoying "this step" today and making sure there aren't any "missteps" for next 24 hours.
Oh well, I've put my two cents in...

February 1, 2012
Don Cornelius - To Most the Soul Train Inovator, to me a relative I never knew
As a kid I remember watching Soul Train on TV, always fascinated by the dancing and performing acts. Always wondering who the heck was that pretty asian lady with the long hair and the sequin outfits? Thanks to Google I found out her name was Cheryl Song. Her picture is below:
But I digress. I heard this morning that unfortunately Don took his life this morning. I heard it through internet posts while my mom found out from a family member on the phone. My mom had told me a few years back that we were related (he was my third cousin). His father and my grandmother's father (my great-grandfather) had been brothers. But unfortunately his father had been killed before he was born. His mother unfortunately did not really have anything to do with his father's side of the family (from what I was told), yet my mom said that there were some who did keep in touch from time to time. As the years went by from what I can understand communication had ceased or was barely there. I know he has two sons, but beyond that I do not know if they have families of their own. I just want to say that we know you are out there and we are praying for you at this time.
Every year my dad's side of the family throw a Mardi Gras party in February and we always throw the Soul Train line in there near the end. I can't even remember how many times I've danced down a Soul Train line but I know I have him to thank for that;)
I remember always wishing I could have met him, way before I found out he was family. When I did find out he was a relative, I always wondered if I would ever see him at family reunions, which unfortunately never happened. Now that he is gone, all I can say is that I wish you LOVE, PEACE, & may your SOUL rest in peace.

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