
February 22, 2012

When it's time to cut off your family from your facebook page....

Well today I did what I thought I would never do. I unfriended (if that is even grammatically correct) my mother on Facebook. She ticked me off saying that my cover picture that I changed this morning was an attention-getter (again I apologize on grammer). I put the picture up there because it's a favorite of mine as a baby. I didn't think it was an attention piece, it was just simply a picture of me as a baby. Not as though I was at Mardi Gras and raised my shirt asking for beads and didn't have a bra on. Nope I just posted a picture of myself as a baby. Now some might say no big deal but I guess for me it was just a switch or final straw in regards to how my mother criticizes me non stop. I just got fed up and I responded to her that she doesn't have to worry about my facebook so I not only unfriended her, I blocked her so she can't even find me. Some might say oh I'm being too harsh, oh well, she's not the first family member I blocked, probably won't be the last.
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