March 30, 2012
Twilight Paradise

Free People,
gee wawa flora,
Kenneth Jay Lane,
Marc by Marc Jacobs,
It's not the f*cking Catalina Wine Mixer, but it was a close second
This afternoon (3/29) after a hard day at work, I went over to a coworker's house for a wine tasting event. I had been looking forward to this for quite some time. Especially since we had to cancel and reschedule the event at least two times. So after work I go over to my coworkers home and she had 8 different wines out for our tasting pleasure. What I really enjoyed besides kicking it with my coworkers was the PowerPoint Presentation she had to go along with it. I've been interested in the different wines but beyond the different names, never knew what made them unique. What was really cool is that she was able to pick up all the various bottles for under 9 bucks apiece and apparently if you buy more than 6 from Schnucks they give you a 10% discount.
I must say I did learn some interesting pointers such as swirling the wine around near your nose to "smell" the wine, then you drink some, hold it in your mouth and let it rest and if you don't want to swallow, just spit it into your nearest container and your ready to go for the next bottle. I actually drank majority of mine and cleaned my palette between each wine with a few pretzels. There were other options such as crackers, cheese, and some type of salami meat. So after sweating for a while from all the alcohol. lol I finished off everything with a nice cold Sangria which for me was the best drink I had out of all of them. For me personally I'm a sweet wine chic. I enjoy a fruity wine such as Moscato. yum yum
I stayed for about a hour then I rushed out and made my way to my Spanish 2 class. I was around 45 min. late but the class doesn't let out until 9pm so I new I had plenty of time to learn any new nightmares that were coming my way. I won't lie I was a tad bit buzzed and my coworkers thought I was nuts for going and told me to just skip class. I don't mind having a good time, but I know when I have to handle business. Been working too hard to get through this class. Not gonna phuck up now.
So tonight at midnight, I'm still have a small buzz because I have a seriously low tolerance for alcohol. Yet Im chillin in bed finishing this post, so I'll be going to bed soon once I post. night night.

March 29, 2012
Bad when I wanna be

Jeffrey Campbell,
rocker chic,
Tarina Tarantino
March 26, 2012
Oprah's Lifeclass with Iyanla Vanzant "Stop the Pain"
First off let me say that I've been looking forward to this event and the hype and buildup was worth the wait. What I learned this evening could not be weighed in gold, it was far too priceless. When my mother picked me up from work this evening we came straight downtown to find a parking space and hopefully be early enough and not be in too long of a line. Let me say by the time we did get down there at 4:30pm, the Peabody was packed outside from ear to ear! Thankfully we did find a great parking spot just 2 blocks away and we made our way to the end of one line and the doors started opening up around 5pm.
We make our way to our seats and from 5:30pm to 7pm, Oprah's staff would be on stage giving instructions about how the format was going to be taped, no chewing gum, blah, blah, blah. I was just like, "Give us Oprah already!!!" FINALLY! at 7pm, Oprah in a beautiful spring green dress comes out and the OTHER first thing that comes to mind besides the fact that I'm in the same building as Oprah is that I could tell by the way she was walking she couldn't wait to get out of the mules she was wearing. Needless to say the excitement in the room was contagious and you couldn't help but be on your feet and yelling to the ceiling. She speaks to the crowd for a few minutes and she quotes something Iyanla has said, before bringing her out and I had to write down.
"You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people,
but until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed."
She then shortly introduces Iyanla Vanzant who was simply divine in a stunning coral dress, red long leather style earrings, and nude pumps. The sister looked bad;) On her arms she wore brass/gold arm long arm bands. The ladies had the crowd pumped and within a few minutes took their seats. The name of this workshop was called "Stop the Pain". Oprah asked Iyanla to describe PAIN, give it a definition. Pay Attention Inward Now. What she states is that pain is something inside of you that you have to visualize and get rid of.
She said the way to face it was three steps:
1. Feel - Understand how it makes you feel
2. Deal - Own up to it
3. Heal - Move on and push it out
Pain is a prison within ourselves. We have the key to become free we just haven't used it yet to get ourselves out. She further states that All pain is the same, it's the way we deal with it is the difference. Now what she said next really made sit up and take notice. She was working with two people in the audience, their stories already being used in the show and we were given background info on them before they made their way to the stage. She said the number one type of addicton that is out that there that is a pain for people is being "Addicted to their story". What she is saying that people get so caught in telling the story of why they are so sad or depressed it's as though they have rehearsed it because they have been telling the story for such a long time that they don't see anything else. She states to get out of that story, you have to begin by telling a new one. She states ask what you want out of your new story and get yourself a vision of it.
I started thinking to myself I've been having the same recurring stories for far to long and it's done far more damage then it could ever be helpful in my life. It's been a self-destructing process to the part that I know I have alienated myself from close friends. Yet as though she was reading my mind she says, she understands that there are people at all different ages still trying to find themselves. They say to themselves,
I don't want this, I don't know what I want, but I know I don't want this.
As I was listening throughout the show I can say I cried because so much Iyanla was saying really made me think about myself and what I want. I deserve to be happy, I deserve to be treated with respect, and I deserve to be proud of myself. Now I just need to start a new story.
To Oprah and Iyanla if you should ever see this post I just want to say,
To see more from tonight's show click here

Excerpt from Chris Rock's "Good Hair" Comedy Documentary
This part of the movie (5:17) is what really helped me to make the transition.Unfortunately I could not embed in my post but click on the link and it will take you to the video.

March 25, 2012
Spring Break - Day 10 (THE LAST ONE!! UGHH)
So today was my last day of my spring break and I must say I can't believe the time has gone by so damn quickly! It amazes me that I have gone through 10 days as though it feels like a blink of an eye. Well this last day I will say I did try my best to make productive. This morning I did homework for my college course which is actually due tomorrow. But given the fact that I will be too busy with work and then afterwards going to the Oprah show, I felt I better get it out of the way since I technically won't be back home until 10pm.
So after that, I get dressed for a Natural Hair event called Spring into a Curly New Season with the ~Show Me Naturals~ This is a group located in Saint Louis, MO that supports sistas who are wearing their hair natural and proud and also offering advice and support to those who are transitioning. This event was held at the Legacy Books & Café . I arrive right on time. The event was from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. At the welcome desk they had a nice treat bag from Jessicurl Hair Products. After picking up my bag I take a seat at one of the back tables.
The program shortly start within the next 10 minutes and at my table I was able to meet some beautiful women who were natural and trading stories about their hair. The Mistress of Ceremonies SunShine Malone. One of the founders of the Show Me Naturals. Overall the event was a great way for people to network, check out the businesses that were there, and take away more knowledge then they came with. My favorite part besides the food, (chicken and mostacholi, can't go wrong with that, sorry I don't eat salads.) was listening to a lady there by the name of Maria Antoinette Loggins. She is a Hair Stylist downtown and she was just a well of knowledge with all the questions that were thrown her way.
Afterwards a few ladies from The Cultural Bop of Saint Louis came through and showed the ladies how to do the Bop and informed us where classes were being held. After their demonstration with some of the ladies from the crowd, they moved on to their prize giveaways. After all that fun, the event festivities were over. While some people left, others stayed behind to talk with their friends, meet new people and return back to the various business booths. Overall I had a wondereful time and I can not wait for next event.
After leaving there I went to the Delmar Loop and visited my favorite boutique store Ziezo and decided I wanted a smoothie from Ben and Jerry's. I could hear the drums playing a block over. Every Sunday a group of musicians come together near the Market Pub House and they jam with their drums and the african rhythms that beat out along with other instruments sometimes will make people dance and shout. I was tempted to take a peek, but decided against it and came home.
This spring break was just what I needed to reharge my batteries so I can push forward with the rest of this school year and finish strong.

March 24, 2012
Spring Break - Day 9
My Saturday was quite busy and I must say it was wonderful. It started off quite interesting. My mother left her wallet at home and my dad informed her of her minor faux pas. So I took it to her location (Nail Shop) and stayed a little while. Afterwards, I took my car to get a wash again at Waterway and it was glistening! I must say I now can understand why some of my friends enjoy taking their cars to get washed and detailed.

March 23, 2012
Spring Break - Day 8
Well today I started off this day with plans with my girl Thisha, but unfortunately I had to change them and pretty much wait at home until 4pm for a package. While waiting there my mom calls and informs me that my beautican was not going to be in tomorrow *translate* my appointment was going to be canceled. So I asked if I could come this evening and get my hair done instead. So the plans I originally had with Thisha that were cancelled at 2pm and rescheduled for 4pm, were now cancelled altogether. So I went to the hair salon from 4:50pm and did not get out until about 8:45pm. I was hungry so I decided to stop by Talayana's and get some dinner and then finally made my way back home.
So in a nutshell my damn Friday highlight was getting my hair done. Which is cool so I have Saturday to chill and go in the morning to get my Oprah tickets for this Monday. After that I'm chillin like a villian. Because I'll be damn if I'm gonna let my Saturday go to hell waiting on a damn package.
Did I mention it rained like crazy all day long? I thought I was somewhat crazy for going out to even get my hair done, but if you saw the condition my head was in, well lets just say people might have been throwing Good night;)

March 22, 2012
Spring Break - Day 7
Well this day was definitely more active then yesterday. This morning I met up with a former coworker and friend at the Saint Louis Mills Mall. Her mother's memorial service was this evening and unfortunately I couldn't make it due to my evening class that I take on Thursday nights. We met up at Marshalls so she could pick out an outfit, but we ended up going to Old Navy & The Gap and she was able to find a nice purple cardigan. Purple was her mom's favorite color. Afterwards we went to Walgreens to get some pictures printed for frames that she was going to have displayed. Then we went to Saint Louis Bread Co to assemble the frames and pictures together. Around 2:30pm we departed ways and I went home get some rest and try to calm down a killer headache that was kickin my behind.
At 5:30pm, I make my way to my class. Our teacher informs us of our grades so far and I can honestly say I'm quite shocked and pleased at the same time at my current grade. A rarity I assure you. So at least that brings a smile to my face for at least 5 minutes. Eventually we get a break around 7:30pm and I text my cousin to see how my friend's memorial service went for her mother. He said it was really cool and alot of people showed up. Which I'm not surprised. My friend really made a difference to alot of the students and it is wonderful how people came out to support her.
So eventually class lets out around 8:40pm and I head to a nearby Chinese resturant to get some grub. While I'm there a couple that I used to work with out in Wellston came in and we caught up with each other. We said our goodbyes and i made home a little bit after 10pm.
I can't believe my spring break is almost over, it is going by way too fast. What I wouldn't give just one more week. lol

March 21, 2012
Spring Break - Day 6
Well this day was mainly greeted with housework. Afterwards left the house for a few hours got some Chick-fil-a and then went to get my car washed. I must say they did a darn good job. Then came back home. Yep my day was

2012 Susan G. Komen St. Louis Race for the Cure against Breast Cancer
This afternoon I finally received an email that I've been waiting on since the beginning of the year. It was from the Susan Komen Race for the Cure - St. Louis Squad. I immediately signed up for Team Photos as I have always done since I started volunterring back in 2006. As you might know or might not know my mother had and BEAT breast cancer back in 2005. That was one of the most trying times in my life to see my mother suffer like that and feel so helpless. I made a promise the day i found out from her that she had breast cancer that I would make sure every year to volunteer for the Susan Komen Race for the Cure whether it be through a job or on my own and I'm proud to say I have done so ever since. I'm always amazed at the sheer size of the crowds of people that come downtown and I can say that I am so damn proud of our city for the huge turnout and support. If you would like to volunteer please go to this link: 2012 Susan Koman Race for the Cure - Volunteer.
If you would like to see previous pictures I have taken please go here: Susan Komen Race for the Cure Pictures

March 20, 2012
Spring Break - Day 5
Good evening to all, well on day 5 of my "spring break" I had plans this morning that unfortunately fell through. So I mainly stayed home and cleaned up between bouts of watching tv, being on my laptop and studying when I can. The most excitement I had today was going with my sister and running an errand.
Yet I can say the most interesting thing happened this evening. If you are not aware, Oprah is coming to Saint Louis for one of her LifeClasses. I heard about it on the internet and through friends. So I went on her website and put my name into the hat for the drawing last month. I received an email on March 13th that I hadn't been picked so I started calling the various radio stations when I knew they were doing a giveaway with tickets. Well needless to say that was a nightmare and nothing was fruitful from that option.
So you can imagine my surprise when I checked my email account and realized that they had sent an email to me back on Thursday stating that there were still tickets and if I wanted to be considered I had to email them back DEADLINE March 15th! Unfortunately I did not check the email until yesterday........but I responded anyway and this evening I was surprised to find a confirmation email stating that I had tickets to go!
So I called my mom to let her know we were going and do you know what she asked me? If Oprah was gonna give away something to the audience, cars or Ipads, something like that. I told her no, THAT show was no longer going on. lol Oh well back to this evening and enjoying my spring break. Enjoy the evening.

March 19, 2012
Spring Break - Day 4
Well it's Day 4 and pretty much my day consisted of going to Best Buy and buying a flash drive since I can't seem to find my previous 2, not a good look. Afterwards I decided to go Forest Park and try to enjoy myself with a walk. Big mistake. Apperantly other people along with their families decided to head out to the Zoo, Museum, The World Pavillion, and anyplace else they could proceed to cop a squat and enjoy the weather as I was attempting to do. So I had to put the breaks on that plan and decided to go to the Saint Louis Galleria walked around shortly there and then proceeded to go the West County Mall. Afterwards came home and I've been here ever since. The weather is so pretty out side, it's a shame I couldn't really find anything to enjoy. Oh well better luck tomorrow.

March 18, 2012
Spring Break - Day 3
Well this day was pretty much spent at home between sleeping, cleaning out my trunk, barely watching some March Madness games, and Zorro movies 1 and 2. The only highlight to my day was making lunch and having a semi-spirited discussion on my Pinterest account in regards to a certain poster that I pinned on my account. Some people found it offensive while others found some humor in it. If you want to check it out go here.
Beyond that my day has been quite peaceful. I hope you were able to say the same.

Spring Break - Day 2 (Happy Saint Patrick's Day)
This morning (March 17th, when this was written) started out very beautiful. Sun was shining, clouds were in the air, it looked like a great day for a Saint Patrick's Parade. I even went outside for a while to see if I could find a four leaf clover, but alas no such luck. But what could have i been thinking....HA!
Well if you are in Saint Louis, MO then you already know that most of the day, well at least since around 2:30pm it's been a flipping monsoon. Earlier this morning I woke up and started watching the Horror Leprechaun movies, 1 through 3. After watching the whole series about 2 times, lol, I realized how cheesy some 90 horror movies were. Yet they did the best that they could with the special effects at the time. But damn I couldn't help but laugh more than anything else.
My girl Cassandra hit me up and see if I was down for a bar-bq. She invited about 40 folks, but with the crazy ass rain she still plans on bar-bq-ing, which I guess is a good thing since I did go to Schnucks and bought a few packages of chicken which have been marinating in my fridge for at least 4 hours and a pack of hotdogs;)
Well anyway, I'm going to sign out shortly and finish this post once the festivities conclude. Wish me luck!
*Update* (at 8am on March 18th) Had a blast last night at Cassandra's house, about 20 folks or more rolled through. I did grilling on her small grill that used charcoal which by the way I was COMFORTABLE using. lol
Her neighbor was kind enough to allow her to borrow his gas grill, but I'm sorry I don't phuck with propane. Something about exploding, my eyebrows burning off and my chicken going to the mile high club was not appealing.
Thankfully someone was there last night who was an expert on using such devices. In fact my people from Saint Louis especially should know him from the radio air waves. The Hypeman Dwight Stone of the former R&B 100.3 The Beat Radio Station, was savior in getting all the chicken done because like I told Cassandra I was gonna be damned if I used the gas grill. lol So eventually the grilling that started at 7pm concluded around 11:30pm. We had turkey burgers, hotdogs (so many damn hotdogs), chicken (so much darn chicken), Bratwursts.
Cassandra made a pound cake that was great and some nacho dips to go with, what else some nachos. Oh you can't forget the alcohol. Plenty to be found and consumed;) So after the grilling finally concluded we settled down into some games of Family Feud in which the females dominated and another game which I can't recall in which AGAIN the females kicked the male couterparts behinds! People starting leaving about 1am which is when I made my stage left exit as well. Cassandra texted me to make sure I got home safe and asked if I good time. I said I had a GREAT time and told her I couldn't wait for the next party.
I just told her make sure I'm there when they start the fire for the grill. Her homeboys who were there first before I got there started the small grill up and made the fire too strong, so the first batch of hotdogs that had been put out there (without my awareness) had unfortunately burned someone of the hotdogs. So I had to put the S on my chest and rectify the situation and shift the coals around like my momma tought me and handle business.;) Can't wait for the next Episode!

March 17, 2012
Spring Break - Day 1
Well officially yesterday, March 16th was my first day into my spring break. But I did go into work for 3 hours to get some work done. Afterwards had a dr. appointment, and then went to Micro Center to see what they had to say about my cursed laptop. Well apparently (from what they said) a virus hit my laptop hard but the anti-virus blocked it from during futher damage. Well the damage it already did, has screwed it up tremedously so they ran me down the options I had, none of pleased me one bit, so in a nutshell, I guess it's a good thing I made a system restore disk. Yet I still am not sure if I want to keep it. I've had it for only 6 days when this happened. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Well after that, grabbed something to eat and then made it back home where I have been ever since. Yea my first day of spring break sucked! Hope other people faired better:)

March 16, 2012
Trials and tribulations with technology
Well this evening, I'm bringing you this post not from my 2nd purchased laptop within the past 2 weeks. No that would be tooooo easy. No I'm bringing this post from my desktop cpu since my most recently purchased laptop bit the dust tonight. I'm not sure what the deal is. Both laptops were HP dv6 series. I don't need to rehash about the first laptop for that you can just see my previous post. This newest laptop though even with it being refurbed (which I don't normally do) seemed ok and the deal on it was too good to pass up. Yet I received error messages along with it to when it decided to phuck up.
As this was playing out before my eyes I could not help but think of other technology doozies that I've dealt with. Number one on my list, my cell phone, the Tmobile G2X. Probably the worst Android phone I have had the displeasure of using. I went through 3 of them before dealing with the one i have now and it's only a FRACTION better than it's predecessors. I still have to take the battery out on a daily basis, wait a few seconds for commands to go through, but at least it doesn't get so hot that I have to put it down. Well not so fast at least. I think the most I was pleased with it was when I fell down the steps at my sister's aparment complex building last October. It broke my fall, and in return I broke it. See at least then I knew it was a piece of shit and could physically tell. I didn't have to wait and wonder like when I first bought it.So tomorrow morning, after I go to work for 3 hours, go to my dr. appt, I will make a trek to Micro Center and calmly fling my laptop on their countertop and see what options they present. I have a warrenty on it but I know they have a restocking fee supposedly on their laptops but I wonder if it also goes toward it being defective. Who knows if I do decide to return it I know it will be a minute before I go for another laptop.

March 11, 2012
What a day YESTERDAY
Yesterday, (yes, Saturday) was a full day from beginning to end. Went to the hair salon and was there from 10am till 3:30pm....yea long day. Then went to Best Buy (Brentwood) to return my new defective laptop. Unfortunately the icing on the cake was when the Customer Service Rep who was handling my return informed me that my laptop went crazy because I didn't put the Virus Protection on there. Ummm I beg to differ and I said as much and she thought I grew a second head out my neck...oh well.
Then went to Micro Center to purchase my replacement one.
A friend later told me it was a defective RAM issue and had NOTHING to do with any virus Bulls**t. Of course some of my other smart ass friends told me I messed up buying an HP in the first place. Oh well. lol
After that hoopla I went to the nail salon and got a manicure and pedicure. I made perfect timing because nobody was there. It was wonderful!
After spending time at the nail salon and talking hair there with another lady, I finally get home and try to get myself together for one of my best friends's, Danielle party at the Pepper Lounge. A popular night spot in downtown Saint Louis. I arrived around 9:30pm and Danielle was already there with some other friends. She along with another friend of her's were celebrating their birthday there with a VIP section. Which was definitely nice and off the chain. Overall we had a damn good time, I had one too many drinks and I paid for it this morning.

Best Buy,
Hewlett Packard,
Micro Center,
The Pepper Lounge
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