
September 20, 2012

Weight coming off - Body and Mind

This week has been really nice;) I've been to the gym this week except today because I had to weigh-in for the contest that I'm in sponsored by DePaul Hospital. I must say I'm super excited because I've lost 5 pounds since my last weigh- in on Sept. 12th. My hard work is paying off;)  

Last night I tried out my Nutribullet and I must say I'm in love! I decided to try my own concoction of fruits, veggies, and nuts for my combo. So I decided on baby spinach, pineapples, blueberries, and almonds.

My ingredients

So after following the directions of putting it together and adding water to the mix, I gave it a whirl....

Ready to be mixed

 The end product was this.

Yummy goodness

So after a few sips, I was somewhat pleased. Obviously with this being my first time using the machine I learned a few things. When you use nuts in your mix to make sure you let it mix for a while longer to make sure it chops up the nuts and doesn't leave any medium size pieces which of course i found out the hard way when one almond piece tried to log itself between two of my teeth. The flavor was a little bit bland but I could definitely taste the pineapple. I must confess though I did make another one this morning for breakfast without the almonds and I still enjoyed it.

I'm going to tell you the big kicker about this product. I enjoyed drinking  a veggie I would never would have considered even eating in a salad, because I hate salads. That alone was a winner but also a huge plus was cleanup. I was able to put everything back within 5 minutes. It did come with a book with plenty of recipes which I will eventually try but for now I'm having fun just playing around and making up my own mixtures.

Working on my Spirit next....need to find that balance

So as you can see my body is doing alright but my mind is still on weary mode on and off again at times. I think in a way that's why I also workout, to keep my mind focused and I just imagine the mitts and pads that I kick are someone. My girl Danielle called me and we talked on the phone for a while. We have been best friends for over 10 years. She knows me and she gives it to you "Straight with no Chaser". She knows the issues I've been dealing with and she just reiterated to me what others have said. Let go and move on. She said some people are around for seasons while others take root. If all they do is make withdrawals in your life instead of deposits, it's time to closeout their account.

Sometimes it takes a long time to finally understand somethings in your life are not meant to be. Obviously being sad sets in but I know the elation part will kick in.  It might not be so soon, but I know it will come. I have to see it as a way of God intervening and letting me know this person wasn't meant to be in my life in the long run and I need to break away. I remember earlier this week, I was at my gym and I was waiting for one of my classes to start. This saying popped into my head and I wrote it up and posted it to my Instagram.

The thoughts that run through my head....

Some lessons in life suck, but need to be taught. I've learned that when my 6th sense is knocking, I better start listening.

Until the next episode....

 All That MsJazz

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