
October 2, 2012

The #30WriteNow October Writing Challenge & Fatmumslim's Instagram October #FMSPhotoday Challenge

This morning while scanning my blog my sight was drawn to a side blog post by
Awesomelyluvvie, an AWESOME blogger that I like so much I put her in my sidebar so I can see whenever she updates her blog. Well this morning I noticed her post she did called

I’m Doing the 30-Day Writing Challenge. Lawd HEPMEH.

So I click on it and found an interesting challenge going on where you have to write about a subject given for the day via word-prompt, ONLY IF YOU NEED IT. If not then you just write whatever you want. The originator of this challenge is Nicole Blades. Her website Ms.MaryMack gave further insight and instructions on the challenge. Yesterday's word prompt was was #courage, but today's is #truth. So I'm going to see how far I can go with this #30WriteNow October Writing Challenge.

Now on to part 2

Last night when I got home I was going through my Instagram feed to see any interesting pics and I came across this Challenge created by Fatmumslim. I've seen other challenges before via people's hashtags but this was the first Challenge I recall seeing with just a list so I can refer back to the picture to see what the challenge is for the day. Plus this will help me take more pics versus just posting quotes and uploading more motivational pics. I would've done number one last night but I was already in bed and quite frankly too lazy to get out. But I am looking forward to #lunchtime, because I have NO clue my damn self what I plan on scarfing down today. So the hashtag for this challenge is #FMSPhotoday. But I am also going to add a hashtag for what the challenge is for the day so I can keep track, hence today will be #lunchtime. Hopefully my Instagram friends will join in the fun as well. 
Here is my Instagram name: MsJazz79




Until the next episode....

 All That MsJazz

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