
November 1, 2017

StainColored Thoughts Photography: Selfies with a film/digital camera

This past Friday while everyone was off from work I was enjoying myself with a STAYCATION. A staycation is being at work with no distractions. So I pretty much had my office to myself and was able to get some work done. Afterwards when my shift was over, I proceeded to take my camera equipment to a room I found perfect for photography and began to setup for one of my assignments for my film photography class. This particular assignment I was excited about but also dreaded. I have to take self portraits.

One of my portraits required me being naked from the shoulders up, so I did what I had to do with that one....LOL I wrapped a scarf around my midsection and got to shooting. Other pics I had to show myself as an alternative person. So I think I did okay with that. Yet the really time consuming issue was switching back and forth of the camera bodies on my tripod. Setting up my shots with a wired trigger and taking test shots with my digital camera and marking areas on the ground and the wall behind me to make sure I had the shot just the way I would like it. Holy smokes......

So while listening to Netflix's The Mist and Stranger than Us shows I was alternating between taking pics with my Digital camera and my Film camera to gauge how I was taking the pictures and hoping the film version would turn out alright. I worked on this project from 4pm to 9pm. This was just part 1 of the project. I still have to take other pictures showing me in action......that will be interesting.

Then on Sunday I went to my college campus to develop my film and and try to print a contact sheet. Developing the film was a piece of cake, the contact sheet......not so much. So after wasting some paper I decided to wait until class yesterday to try again with the contact sheet.

Welp after numerous tries and a shitload of photo paper I finally was successful with my teacher's assistance. Even she was like "Holy crap" So my final settings on producing my contact sheet were, F2.8, 75 seconds @ Yellow 15.

This was quite an interesting and time consuming project. I've always wanted to do self portraits and do them in a more artistic way. I still feel like I'm searching myself for what I what to photograph. I need to create more opportunities to shoot.

Random Thought: I need to get my ass back into an exercise program so I can haul all this damn equipment around :)

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