
August 26, 2024 - The only disappearing act you will see will be in your bank account



Welp it's been a minute since my last post. Summer has come to an end. Fall SHOULD be here but ya know global warming is actually a thing.... Yet I couldn't let the time go past without my present gripe of a situation. So just a quick back story I enjoy collecting tarot and oracle decks. Having been doing so for at least 6 or 7 years. I like to visit various metaphysical stores locally and when I go out of town and try to pick up a deck whenever I can. Now do I know how to use them, absolutely not and actually decided this year to really learn about them. 


May 18, 2024

AT&T + Samsung = Complete idiocy and incompetence


When it comes to technology especially my cellphones I always like to think I make the best choices when it comes to the model and network carrier that I use. About two years ago I left Tmobile back in April of 2022 because in my opinion they didn't value me any longer as a customer when I wanted to upgrade my phone at the time. As usual they were so busy trying to attract new customers instead of making sure the customers they already have would stay loyal. At the time I was going through this issue my mother was in the process of upgrading her cellphone with AT&T to a Samsung Ultra S22 5G. So the sales agent that was helping my mother was informing me of the deal they had at the time for new customers who wanted to buy the same phone model as well. Needless to say I did some research and even went back to Tmobile to see if they would match the upgrade deal. Needless to say Tmobile was pretty much NOPE and I said well, "Fuck you" and I took my business to AT&T. 

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