
August 26, 2024 - The only disappearing act you will see will be in your bank account



Welp it's been a minute since my last post. Summer has come to an end. Fall SHOULD be here but ya know global warming is actually a thing.... Yet I couldn't let the time go past without my present gripe of a situation. So just a quick back story I enjoy collecting tarot and oracle decks. Having been doing so for at least 6 or 7 years. I like to visit various metaphysical stores locally and when I go out of town and try to pick up a deck whenever I can. Now do I know how to use them, absolutely not and actually decided this year to really learn about them. 


So I just finished reading a book called:

The Ultimate Guide to Psychic Abilities: A Practical Guide to Developing Your Intuition 

 by Karen Frazier

I thought it was great because it explained various psychic abilities and how to cultivate them in their unique way. I was intrigued with the tarot/oracle cards because I have always wondered if I could do readings just for myself, not anyone else. Overall it's a book I would highly recommend. 

So now we come to my dilemma. I like to look for various tarot cards decks as well online.  So I was searching online and came across a website called They had a sale going on that I thought was a pretty good deal. So on July 4th I made a purchase of one deck and then the next day found another deck and made an additional purchase. Right after each purchase I received a confirmation regarding the order. Their emails state the following:

Orders typically take 1-5 business days to ship, however may ship sooner depending on their location in our warehouse. Please check our frequently asked questions for any questions you may have. Response time for email contact can take 24-72 hours. Please allow additional processing time due to the current influx in orders from the 30% off sale.


So normally I am pretty understanding regarding orders because I know having been a small business owner myself to give vendors some grace and time when fulfilling orders. So I receive an email on July 12th that order #2 has shipped. Yet had still not heard about order #1 until I emailed requesting a status update on that order.  I receive an update on order #1 that on July 17th that my order would be on its way. So I wait patiently until July 23rd, because I had been checking both tracking numbers and neither one showed any movement. So I email Magick asking what is going on and why hasn't their been any update with either of my packages. I received the following response:

I thank Isabel for the update and continue to wait. and wait.......and waited until I was officially done. So I then decided to go with a different vendor, Thriftbooks, to reorder both items and do you know I received them both within a week?


I contacted my bank and asked what my options were to receive my money back on both orders. They told me to give them a call back within 30 days of when Magick had informed me via email that the packages were on their way. So for one order I received an email July 12th and the other was July 17th.  So I contact Magick on August 5th and inform them:


Now after I sent this email the weirdest thing started to happen.....on order #2 that sucker started flying through USPS and finally got to me by August 12th. I never received order #1 and so my bank already gave me a credit back for that order. I did not pick up order #2 from the post office until August 16th and contacted Magick to let them know that I am returning the item along with everything else that was included within the package which was a stone and the packaging slip. I have emailed them 3 times requesting instructions on how to proceed with the return but their sorry asses just keep ignore my emails. So that is fine by me, I'm doing this more so my bank will have all the required information to credit me for this abysmal purchase.

I made sure to go on Trustpilot and BBB to make reports against this company as well to hopefully help someone else to not make the mistake of doing business with this company. I wish I had gone to both sites first because if I did I would have saved myself the headache by reading all the horror stories from other customers that have had issues with this company as well.


My statement on Trustpilot:

and this was for BBB:

So what have I learned from this situation? The following:

1. ALWAYS check TrustPilot, BBB, and/or any other website that gives HONEST feedback on if a vendor has good business practices.

2. If you have not received updates on your shipment within a reasonable time frame, call your bank/credit card company to ask what is the procedure to do a charge back if you think you might need to imitate one. I would suggest you make sure to call them before 30 days because sometimes they might tell you "too bad, so sad" that you waited too late to contact them to be able to do anything.

3. Keep all correspondence regarding the order(s). From the first email to the last and all emails you have in between if you have to get your bank/credit card company involved.

 4. If you are sending anything back, make sure to let the vendor and your bank/credit card company know via email. Also get Signature Confirmation and Tracking information to give to your bank/credit card company so they can confirm that you have attempted to send the item(s) back. Also list EVERYTHING that was in the package to your bank/credit card company so if the vendor can't act like they can't take it back because something is missing.


Overall I would say don't be duped into their 30% Sale, that thing has been running at least since July of this year. I would say use their website to see what is out there and then go to a competitors website with a better reputation to make your purchase. Especially if you want your order within a reasonable time frame. The only will get from me is a disappearing act as a repeat customer.


Also another strong telltale that a business (to me) is not on the up and up is when they shut down the comments on their social media page(s). For example their FACEBOOK page you can not make any comments on at all. Same also for their INSTAGRAM page.


Update: I returned the item via USPS yesterday and emailed the vendor and my bank a copy of the tracking information and requested Signature Confirmation. Even though I will lose out on money because I shipped it back, again it's a lesson learn not to do any more business with this vendor. Hopefully I will help anyone in the future to avoid this business as well.


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